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Prof. Sverre Grimnes / 2010
The fourth H.P. Schwan Award was presented to Prof. Sverre Grimnes, during the XIV ICEBI in 2010, in Gainesville, FL, for his pioneering work in several aspects of skin impedance, including the discovery of electrovibration, a mechanism which enables perception of alternating current down to one microampere.
For his genuine interest in the fundamental theory of bioimpedance and his continuous work in a broad range of impedance related topics, materialized in many published papers, patents, and supervision of many PhD students.
For his contribution to the spread and consolidation of bioimpedance techniques with the publication of a textbook, the starting of a journal, the organization of an ICEBI and the contributions to the establishment of the ISEBI contributing to the redaction of its Statutes.

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